Select from Countless Exterior Wall Fountain Designs

You can create a place to unwind as well as add a touch of style to your porch or yard with a wall fountain since they are excellent adornments to fit into small space. Whatever style of outdoor wall fountain you are looking for whether it be traditional, modern, classic, or Asian you will certainly find the one you like most. Your tastes dictate the type you buy so while there may not be a prefabricated fountain to suit you, you do have the option of having a customized one.

Depending on your wishes, you can pick from mounted or freestanding types. Small, self-contained mounted wall fountains can be hung on any surface. Wall fountains made of resin (resembling stone) or fiberglass are usually light so they can be easily hung. Stand-alone fountains, often referred to as floor fountains, are of considerable size, have a basin positioned on the ground and a smooth side which leans against a wall. Typically made of cast stone, these water features have no weight constraints.

It is a good idea to incorporate a custom-made fountain into a new (company website) or existing wall, something often recommended by landscape professionals. The basin and all the required plumbing are best installed by a trained mason. A fountain mask or a spout also needs to be integrated into the wall. If you want a cohesive look for your garden, get a customized wall fountain because it becomes part of the scenery rather than an afterthought.

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